Help Define a Vision for a Child’s Life

At first glance, it seems that many problems our kids face have to do with sexual awareness and activity, violence in schools, alcohol and drugs. Deeply underlining all these is the general feeling that many kids missing something more important, and that is hope. When we raise children, we provide many benefits to them, but among the most previous and valuable things we can give them is help in creating life vision, so they can accept and understand that life is a journey to a desirable destination.

Key Takeaways:

  • That we must be an example to the children in our life
  • We must have a vision for without a vision we have no clear direction
  • We must instill A child that they need a vision in their life

“But without a positive vision for their lives, and a positive place for that vision to grow and flourish, kids can get lost in the storms of adolescence and lose any sight of a bright future.”

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