Sent Out to Bring Blessing

Luke 9:14-15 (ESV) For there were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” And they did so, and had them all sit down.

Since the disciples had no idea what to do to feed this vast crowd of people, Jesus told them what to do. This was a huge crowd. If there were just 5000 men, that meant there were 100 groups of 50 men each. If there were additional women and children, the crowd may have been 15,000. This command did not require anything supernatural, so the disciples obeyed.

Luke 9:16 (ESV) And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd.

Pay attention carefully to this verse, for it gives us guidelines for a miracle. First of all, Jesus took what they had, only five loaves and two fish. Only enough for one person, not 5000. Next, Jesus prayed and blessed what they had. Finally, Jesus divided the loaves and the fish and gave them to the disciples to pass out to the crowd. Jesus was teaching the disciples how to do miracles and was involving them in this one.

Luke 9:17 (ESV) And they all ate and were satisfied. And what was left over was picked up, twelve baskets of broken pieces.

What were the results? Everyone, all 5000, had enough to eat and there was far more left over than what they started with. The miracle provided an abundance of food, more than was even needed. The miracle was a blessing to all who partook. We are sent out to bring blessing as we move in the supernatural.

This miracle shows us that moving in the supernatural is more than just healing and casting out demons. There are no limits to what moving in the supernatural can be. If there is a need in your life or someone else you know, that need is an opportunity for a miracle.

Now, God provides for us to meet many of our needs with natural means. We can’t sit at home and not work and expect God to rain down money from heaven. Yet, there are many needs that cannot be met with natural means. You know the needs in your own life and those around you.

If you are not aware of any needs, you need to ask God to show them to you. I guarantee that there are needs all around you, opportunities for miracles and blessings. Seek God if you are to do something about the need and then what you are to do. Believe that as you obey, supernatural things will happen to meet the need. We are sent out to bring supernatural blessing.

 As followers of Jesus, you and I are called to do what Jesus did. In fact, we are commanded to do what Jesus did. He sends us out to heal, do miracles, to bring blessing. In order to obey, we must learn to move in the supernatural through faith.

Sure, there are going to be times when we fail or doubt. But Jesus will be there to encourage us and get us back on track. If you’re a believer here today, God’s plan for your life is for you to continue to grow in moving in the supernatural. God desires to bless you with His power, so that you can bless others.

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