Escaping a Martyr’s Fate

For Christopher Alam, becoming a Christian put him in a situation where he almost paid with most important asset – his life. After being discharged from the army back in 1975 as a 21-year-old, he found himself wandering aimlessly along the roads in Pakistan. Thoughts of suicide entered his mind and the situation looked quite desperate. That’s when he met his angel, a man from the UK who he came across in the busy intersection. Little did he know that it was his beginning on a path of Jesus Christ.

Key Takeaways:

  • Worn and weary a Pakistan soldier, Christopher Alam wandered, with despair as he encountered a man spreading the faith of Evangelism and he seemed at peace, this intrigued him.
  • His interest sparked alarm in his Muslim family, who’s lineage was traced back to Muhammad. He was disgraced, first hospitalized, and then jailed. Eventually he was threatened with death.
  • He escaped Pakistan, during his time he heard that God wanted him to spread the word throughout the world. He did, preaching in 75 countries, and settling in America.

“The distributor, from the United Kingdom, belonged to a street evangelism team from the Jesus People movement, prominent during the 1970s. He shared the gospel, telling Alam, “Jesus Christ will set you free and give you life.””

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