Busy, with Purpose

Parents know how busy life can be when you have preschoolers in your house. Most of us would not think of taking any additional responsibilities in that situations. Pete and Jenn from South Dakota are not like most us. They started taking in children being put in foster care when their own child was still under 2 years old. Today, in addition to their four children, they have three more all adopted. They recognized how large role was the one played by God in their adventure, where their paths of ministry crossed those of being an adoptive parent.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pete and Jenn Eekhoff, Sioux Falls, SD, have taken on not only their family, but foster kids as well. Pete is an Executive Pastor at Sioux Falls First Assembly.
  • Jenn and Pete met in college, and felt the call of God 20 years ago. They participate in the foster program because being Pro-life means Pro-family to them.
  • The Eekhoffs make it work, they are involved in ministry, home based businesses, Pete works for Starbucks, and they know that their purpose is in raising foster kids.

“As they successfully navigate ministry, business, family, and foster care, the Eekhoffs are honest about the difficulties, most notably the pain of losing a foster child after attachment.”

Read more: https://news.ag.org/News/Busy-with-Purpose

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