Made of Truth

Made of truth is believing and staying faithful to the words and actions of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our lives can be filled with untruths and counterfeit religious beliefs, but until you have truly put your faith into Jesus and knowing that he is part of God, the “truth” will never be found or experienced. There will be people in your life who will claim to be there to help you find God, but you must find the “Truth.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Our world is filled with fake knockoff products, and the same goes for faith.
  • In John 14:6, Jesus calls himself the truth, and this allows us trust him completely.
  • As Jeremiah 17:9 points out, even our own hearts can deceive us.

“One of the most compelling things about Jesus is that because He is God, He lets us in on the character and nature of God.”

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