Fear of Insignificance

Our society and culture is full of people who are afraid. God doesn’t want His children to be afraid. He wants you to be fearless as you follow Him. Fear is a negative emotion that is uncomfortable. We don’t like to be afraid. However, fear is not just a minor inconvenience. Fear can lead you to miss God’s plan for your life. Fear makes people afraid to do the right things in life, fear stops people from obeying God. Fear causes people to do the wrong things in life.

The fear of insignificance is the fear of not mattering, it is the fear of not being important, fear of one’s life not having meaning, of being powerless to do anything. Now if you don’t overcome the fear of insignificance, you will end up embracing insignificance. You will feel like your life doesn’t matter, that no one cares about you, that you’re just lost in the crowd.

Have you ever wondered why people care about their lives mattering? People are afraid of not mattering because God created people for significance. Every person is born with a God-given desire to accomplish something significant with their life. Every person is born with a God-given desire to be significant to others.  I’m going to show you how that desire can fill your life with hope.

However, many people have given up hope that their lives will have any significance or they are looking for significance in the wrong places. People who feel insignificant …

  • Will achieve little in life
  • Will have no purpose or hope in life
  • Often fall into addictions and other harmful lifestyles
  • Tend to have problems with relationships
  • Can even succumb to suicide

Think about yourself. Ask yourself the question “Does my life really matter?” When I’m gone – will anyone notice? As we study God’s Word, I trust you will be able to answer those questions with an definitive Yes. Yes my life really matters. Yes, when I’m gone, I’m going to leave a powerful legacy. So, let’s look at some principles from God’s Word that will help us overcome the fear of insignificance.

Listen to my November 22, 2009 message “Fear of Insignificance”.

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