Fear of Death

God can help you overcome fear in your life. Fear takes many forms. Most people don’t say I’m afraid very much. We soften it. We say things like, I’m worried about … . Worry is just another form of fear. Worry is fear of what may happen in the future.

God’s Word tells us not to fear and not to worry. There is a fear that I believe is at the bottom of all fears. It is the big fear that many people don’t even want to talk about or think about. However, if you can overcome that big fear, then all other fears won’t bother you. This message is about “Overcoming the Fear of Death.”

What is it about death that scares us? First of all, death can cause fear because it’s irreversible. Once you’ve died, you’re not coming back. If you view death as the end of everything, that’s a fearful thought. People are afraid of death when they’re uncertain of which destination they’re going to end up in. Many people hope they go to heaven, but they’re not certain, so they’re fearful.

The fear of death keeps people in bondage, it negatively affects all of life. You’re not free to really live when you’re afraid of death. Jesus came to set people free from the fear of death.

Hebrews 2:14-15 (NIV) … so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death–that is, the devil– and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

By Jesus’ death and resurrection, He destroyed Satan, who held the power of death. Jesus set free from the fear of death all who believe in Him. So today, if you’re not a believer, if you’re not certain where you’ll go when you die, you’re still in bondage to the fear of death.

Some might say, I’m a believer, but I still worry and I’m still afraid of death. Think about it this way. When someone is an unbeliever, they live in a prison of fear. When a person becomes a believer, Jesus opens the lock to the prison. However, some people don’t walk out of the open prison door. They remain bound to fear and worry, even though Jesus has set them free.

Jesus wants to release every person from the prison of the fear of death. He wants you to walk free and not worry or fear again. You can do that by believing the promises of God’s Word.

Listen to my December 6, 2009 message “Fear of Death” (message notes).

1 thought on “Fear of Death”

  1. Marcus, Shedrach Katung

    Im a Christian from West Africa Nigeria to be precise. I read your words of encouragement on line and i feel the problem i’ve been having spiritually should best be shared with you.
    In view of the above, i wish to let you know that i have a big problem communicating with God. I dont know how to pray and it’s been borthering me for long. please help me.
    Thank you and God bless.

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