A New Perspective

Lo was earning his degree and went on to try and join a seminary, but his application was denied short of coming up with the funds to try and do it. He received a phone call from Tawaiin that he had received a donation from someone he didn’t know well, so he didn’t think it was going to be a lot of money. It ended up being thirty thousand dollars, and from that point forward, he never doubted the presence of god.

Key Takeaways:

  • Coming from a country with few Christians, Yi Lo never heard of the Assemblies of God until conducting an internet search.
  • A physician acquaintance in Taiwan donated $30,000 so Lo could attend AGTS.
  • Lo has studied how his indigenous tribe in Taiwan can recapture the Pentecostal experience.

“After Yi Lo obtained his master of theology degree at Western Theological Seminary in Michigan in 2018, the Taiwan native set his sights on obtaining a doctorate in intercultural studies while still in the United States.”

Read more: https://news.ag.org/News/A-New-Perspective

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