Empowering the Next Generation

Pastor Joe L. Buckner with the National Community Church (NCC) has always met people where they were in their walk with God. He seems to have been born into the role he now fills. His family were deeply involved in the church and from the age 12 he too was ministry. He has a degree in psychology and became an advisor at his alma mater overseeing student services for African American students. He also loves writing music and songs, he had dual passions between music and working with young adults. That led to a move to Nashville, TN. He worked with many artists and world leaders there, but the Great Recession left him penniless after being laid off of his job. He ultimately accepted a position with NCC where he has founded the Protege Program which is a mentoring program he has run for fiver years. Each year, up to eight adults are accepted into the program. They learn of Christ, their role in their faith and leadership skills. About 24% become ministers and work with the church, the rest upstanding communitiy members and business leaders.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joel L. Buckner is a songwriter, worship leader and minister. He’s also been a staff member of National Community Church in Washington D. C.
  • Buckner started his spiritual duties young, while still an adolescent, leading the worship service at age 12.
  • While still in his tender years he led Christian youth projects and spear-headed other spiritual events.

“After high school, Buckner earned a psychology degree from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. While there, he found himself shaping lives through learning programs for young adults at transitional moments. This led to a position at the University of Dayton, overseeing student services for African American students.”

Read more: https://news.ag.org/News/Empowering-the-Next-Generation

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