Miracle Man

Greg Mundis has had six life or death experiences and the grace of God has allowed him to keep fulfilling his life purpose as the executive director of AG World Missions. Greg is now 70 years old and last year his experience contracting COVID was his toughest challenge that had many doubting how much life God had in store for him. Greg and his wife Sandie read from the bible every day leaning on positivity such as Psalm 47. After battles with dialysis and a heavy roller coaster Greg is now healthy feeling that God spared him for divine purpose.

Key Takeaways:

  • Greg Mundis has been spared death several times though both illness and accidents. He is the executive director of AG World Missions.
  • In March of 2020 Greg contracted Covid. They did not know a lot about the illness and it took some time to get Greg the help he needed. At the urging of his son, a doctor, he went to the hospital.
  • Though hospitalized herself Greg’s wife, Sandie made it through. Greg hovered at death. Sandie said GOD whispered in her ear, and Greg recovered through the power of prayer.

“At least six different times in his life, Greg Mundis, the executive director for AG World Missions since 2011, has faced death where others in similar situations have not survived.”

Read more: https://news.ag.org/Features/Miracle-Man

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