Over 200 AG Churches Planted During Pandemic

In 2020, 214 new U.S. Assemblies of God churches were planted. Church Multiplication Director Jeffery Portmann credits a training program that emphasizes the need for an online presence. In the year of COVID-19, this presence proved to be useful. However, he also feels that the churches need to evolve from online engagements to in person meetings. According to Portmann, the pandemic brought the church to people’s communities, letting them see the gospel message before they heard it. He further believes that Easter Sunday and Church Planting Sunday (in September) will be big days to launch new churches.

Key Takeaways:

  • In today’s wired world, even old-fashioned entities like the Assemblies of God Christian Church have an online presence.
  • In fact it is a rule that new church planters going through Church Multiplication Network training must have not just a location in which to meet, but also an online presence as well.
  • Fortunately, those individuals that are drawn to the vocation and mission of church planting are often possessed of great organizational skills and superior flexibility.

“According to Church Multiplication Director Jeffery Portmann, despite the pandemic, the U.S. Assemblies of God saw 214 new churches planted in 2020, with hundreds more having been planted the previous year.”

Read more: https://news.ag.org/News/Over-200-AG-Churches-Planted-During-Pandemic

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