Rehabilitation: Paying It Forward

For Raul Salgado, the work he does as a pastor in his ministry in Arizona is the way to repay his debt. The way he looks at it is paying forward for a good deed someone did for him. In his youth, he was a member of gang who became an alcoholic in adolescent years. Looking back at that time, he understands how close to grave he was, but God had a different plan. Now, he tells about his experiences to a congregation of men that are in the similar situation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Raul Salgado is a former gang member who is now an Assemblies of God pastor.
  • Over the past six years, the rehabilitation program at Revolution Ministries has helped more than 300 men.
  • Salgado has a daughter and a son who work with him at Revolution.

“The death of his grandmother in 2000 prompted Salgado to re-evaluate his life. He went to a church outreach and had an encounter with Christ.”

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