The Ideal Half-Dozen

The Stewarts are blatantly honest about never really intending to adopt any children, let alone six of them. Residents of Colorado town of Loveland, they were married in their teen years and soon started planning their family. As a result, they had three children quite quickly. When their youngest child started elementary school, they started hearing a call from God guiding them to adopt a child from Asia. The fact that Kari’s parents often hosted visiting missionaries with stories about far away lands only reinforced this calling.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jeff and Kari Stewart of Loveland, Colorado, never intended to adopt six children. Married while still teenagers in 1980, they focused on starting a family.
  • When Kari presented the idea of adoption to Jeff, he admitted he had never felt a prompting from God to adopt.
  • The next time God stirred their hearts, they sought a domestic adoption of an African-American boy. Month-old Logan came to live with them from Florida in time for Mother’s Day in 1998.

“In November 1995, to the agency’s surprise, the Stewarts adopted a 17-month-old girl from China named Elisabeth. Soon after arriving back in the States, Elisabeth recognized that she didn’t look like others in her new family.”

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