Ancient Prophecies Revealed

Today, we begin a new message series “Jesus the Messiah.” In this series we’re going to see what the Bible has to say about the true identity of Jesus Christ. The name Christ is not Jesus’ last name, it is a title that means the Anointed One or the Messiah. The question of who Jesus is, is the most important question that a person can ask in life. If Jesus is simply a good man or even a great prophet, He really would have little impact on our lives. But if He is who He claimed to be, the Son of God, the Messiah and the Savior of the world, then we must make a choice. The only rational choice is to chose to believe in and worship Him.

But how can we know who Jesus is? The are many ways to answer the question of who Jesus is. In this series, we’re going to show how dozens of messianic prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament prophecies about Jesus were written hundreds and usually thousands of years before Jesus was born. Yet, as we’ll see going through this series, these ancient prophecies were fulfilled in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

So, what do these prophecies prove? First of all, they are proof that the Bible is not simply an ancient book, but it is a supernatural book, filled with prophecies that have come true hundreds or thousands of years after they were written down. These Old Testament prophecies prove that Jesus is who He said He was. Jesus is the Messiah, He is the very Son of God. As we better understand these Old Testament prophecies, these truths will strengthen our faith as believers. 

And these truths will help us show unbelievers why the Bible is not just another book, but is a supernatural book, inspired by the Holy Spirit. They will help us to strengthen our faith and help it grow strong. These prophecies will help us show others why Jesus was not just a good man or even just a great prophet. Jesus was who He said He was, which is the divine Son of God and the Messiah.

Today, our message is entitled “Ancient Prophecies Revealed.” Where do you think that the first prophecies of Jesus the Messiah are found? The answer is that the first prophecies are to be found in the first book in the Bible, the book of Genesis. Today, we’re going to look at three wonderful prophecies about Jesus from Genesis. In each one, we’re then going to look at the New Testament fulfillment of these prophecies about Jesus.

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