Benefits of Prayer Variety

For many people, prayer is simply an exercise in asking God for things that they need in life. Oftentimes we have very long prayer lists that yield few results in answers from God. We don’t understand the benefits of prayer variety.

God never intended prayer to be a monologue of requests. On the other hand, God designed prayer to be two-way communication, to be conversation. We can learn what prayer is to be like from examples in the Bible. In addition, we can learn from what makes good communication between people.

Prayer as communication should have a variety of expressions. As a result, the benefits of prayer variety will be a growing relationship with God and increased effectiveness in prayer. Let’s look at one verse on prayer.

1 Timothy 2:1 (ESV) First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,

In this verse, we see four different expressions of prayer mentioned. To learn more about the benefits of prayer variety and how to expand your prayer expression, watch or read the message from Life Church St. Louis Prayer Variety.

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