
Can The Truth Change Me?

A television crew was filming the devastation caused by Hurricane Andrew in southern Florida. In one scene of damaged and destroyed homes along the coast, there was only one house still standing on its foundation. The reporter approached the owner, who was out cleaning up his yard. “Tell me, sir, why do you think your house is the only one standing? How did you alone in this area manage to escape severe damage from the hurricane?” The man replied, “I built the house myself and I built it according to the Florida State building code. When the code called for 2×6 trusses I used 2×6 trusses. I was told that a house built according to code could withstand a hurricane I built it according to code and it withstood the hurricane.”

Jesus likened our lives to houses. Our lives can be built on a good foundation the right way or they can be built on a poor foundation the wrong way. How your life is built will determine whether it will survive the storms of life and the final judgment. Lives, like houses, are built upon a code. Not the code of Florida, but a code of what a person believes to be truth.

There is a right way and a wrong way to build a life. There is a truth that will keep you standing no matter what happens and there are many other ways to build your life that will lead to disaster. Sadly, only 1 in 4 adults in America believe in absolute truth, a truth that does not change with the situation or the person. Most people think that what is right and wrong depends on the situation. They’re quite wrong.

God has shown us what is right and wrong. He has shown us how we should live to be happy and fulfilled. Those who are wise will follow God’s truth. NLT Ecclesiastes 10:2 The hearts of the wise lead them to do right, and the hearts of the foolish lead them to do evil. There is right and wrong, it’s not just personal preference. When someone chooses to do wrong there are consequences. Listen to what Isaish says in NLT Isaiah 5:20 Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is good and good is evil; that dark is light and light is dark; that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Today, many people’s lives are being destroyed because they have called evil good and good evil.

God wants you to be wise. God wants you to know His truth, a truth that never changes. In fact, God’s truth will transform you into the person God created you to be. As you apply God’s truth to your life, it will change you into the person, deep down, you want to be. God’s truth will enable you to build your life so that it will last for eternity.

To hear more about this topic, listen to my July 31, 2005 message entitled Can The Truth Change Me?

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