Courageous Influence

Medical science has made many advances in recent years. Largely because of those advances, the average life span has steadily increased and now stands at 78. People working in the medical field have found cures for many diseases and influenced the world for good. It would be unthinkable for a medical researcher to find a cure for a fatal disease and then not tell anyone about it. When you find a cure that will help others, you do everything you can to let others know about that cure.

There is a disease that no medical researcher is working on. This disease is widespread. In fact, it infects every human being at birth. This disease is terminal. Unless cured, you will die from it. The disease I am talking about is sin. No person is immune from it.

Romans 3:23 (NIV) For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

How many people are infected by sin? All have sinned. What is sin? Sin is actions, attitudes and thoughts that fall short of how God designed people to live. Sin hurts the person who sins, hurts others and hurts God. Sin has a tragic final outcome.

Romans 6:23a (NIV) For the wages of sin is death …

The end result of the disease of sin is death. First of all, physical death in this life. The ultimate reason that people die physically is the result of sin. Secondly, the end result of sin is eternal death. Separation from God forever in a place of unbelievable torment called hell. That is the fate of every person born into this world, unless they find the only cure for the disease of sin. Here is the cure …

Romans 6:23b (NIV) … but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This cure works in every person and has a 100% cure rate. The cure for sin is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Most, if not all of us here at Life Church have been cured of sin. We have become believers, followers of Jesus Christ. We have the gift of eternal life. We’ve found the cure or perhaps more accurately, Jesus has brought us the cure. What is our responsibility to all those around us who are still dying of the disease of sin? That’s what we’re going to talk about today.

My message is entitled “Courageous Influence.” God has designed you to influence those around you for Jesus. God has chosen you to tell others about the cure for sin that you have found. God is calling us to not be ashamed, but be courageous in spreading the Good News of Jesus to others who need to know.

Romans 1:16 (NIV) I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes …

So can we be courageous influencers in our world? How can we share the cure for sin with people around us?

Listen to my January 31, 2010 message “Courageous Influence” (message-notes).

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