
Discovering The Growth Manual

Currently, we’re in a message series called “Growing In Life’s Journey.” Whenever you want change in your life, whenever you want to do something new, you need to grow. As a believer, God has put the desire in your heart to grow. If you are not yet a believer this morning, God has put a desire in your heart to grow. Growth and change are a normal healthy part of life.

In order to grow you need three things. You need knowledge, an understanding of what you need to do in order to change or grow. For example, if you want to change careers and get into a new career with more opportunity for advancement, you need new knowledge, so you go back to school. The second thing that you need is the desire or will to make changes in your life. If you don’t have the desire to learn and apply new knowledge, it won’t do you any good. The third thing that you need is the power to bring about the change in your life. God is your power source.

Today I’m going to talk about one of the most important elements of bringing about change in your life. My message this morning is entitled “Discovering The Growth Manual.” God has provided a roadmap for change and growth in your life. It’s a growth manual for life. It has parts that are easy enough for a child to understand and other parts that even advanced scholars have yet to decipher. God’s growth manual to bring about positive change in your life is the Bible.

The Bible calls itself God’s Word, it is God’s instructions to every person who will learn. The Bible is God’s roadmap for growth in your life. I’ve got a lot of areas in my life that need to grow. How about you? NLT Matthew 4:4 People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on every word of God. What do your children need to grow? It is essential for them to eat physical food. The same is true spiritually, you must feed on every word of God written down in the pages of the Bible in order to grow spiritually.

Today most people don’t read the Bible regularly, most people have never studied the Bible in school and are ignorant of the most important of all books. NLT John 8:31 Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings.” A true believer, a true disciple of Jesus Christ is someone who understands the teaching of God’s Word and obeys it. That person will grow in their life to become more like their teacher Jesus. So today let’s look at how you can discover God’s growth manual, the Bible.

To hear more about this topic, listen to my July 16, 2006 message entitled Discovering The Growth Manual

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