Doctors Say John Smith is Bona Fide Miracle

The following article records the complete incredible story of John Smith being raised from the dead after drowning in Lake St Louis on January 19, 2015 through the power of prayer. John and his parents were part of an Assemblies of God church, that believed in the power of God to work miracles today. Many churches believe that God worked miracles in the times of the Bible, but deny that God still works miracles today. At Life Church St. Louis (Assemblies of God), we believe that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He still performs miracles for those who pray in faith. Do you believe that God still works miracles?

Fourteen-year-old John Smith had lost his battle for life. No longer was he struggling to maintain his desperate grip on the edge of the ice or flailing his arms in a final and terrifying attempt to stay afloat. No, for the past 15 minutes his lungs had been filled with raw lake water, his heart had stopped beating, and he lay motionless at the bottom of Lake Sainte Louise. John Smith was dead.

Complete story at Doctors Say John Smith is Bona Fide Miracle | PE News.

2 thoughts on “Doctors Say John Smith is Bona Fide Miracle”

  1. Robynne Moore

    The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the all knowing, all powerful and ever present! He is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we can ask or think, according to the power at work in us. I stand on His Word! I thank God for showing His glory on behalf of this precious young soul! I pray that he lives to be a testament of God’s glory so that other’s can be drawn to Him!

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