
Expand Your Vision To The World

What is vision? Vision is eyesight, but today I want to talk about something more than mere eyesight. Another definition of vision in the dictionary is “a mental image of the imagination.” For some people, vision in life is limited essentially by what they can see with their eyes, they have a small vision. God wants you to have a large vision, a vision in your imagination painted by God’s spirit NAS Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained. A vision from God focuses your life on what’s important. People who have no vision from God simply do what they want, they are self-centered, they are unrestrained, their lives are chaotic, they never accomplish anything of significance in God’s eyes. God doesn’t want you to live life like that, consumed with just working, paying your bills, taking care of yourself, He has much bigger plans for you.

Today, my message is entitled “Expand Your Vision To The World.” I’m going to talk about how you can take your vision off of yourself and expand it to God’s vision for your life. God wants you to make an impact on your world that is far bigger than your life and the life of your immediate family. NCV Mark 16:15 Jesus said to his followers, “Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone.” Are you a follower of Jesus Christ? Then Jesus’ command applies to you. God’s vision for your life is for you to go and tell the Good News to everyone you meet. That’s your mission in life, that’s a large vision that God has for you to reach out to make a difference.

What will be the final result of Jesus’ followers carrying out God’s vision? NLT Rev. 7:9 After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. One day, there will be a vast crowd of believers, from every nation, every people-group on this earth, worshipping God. God wants you and me to have a part in making it happen. God wants you to have a vision to reach many people for Jesus, both here in St Louis and around the world. Your life is meant to affect history and eternity.

Last week, I spoke about talking to other people about Jesus and I gave you some important tools in order to do that. However, I know that nothing will happen as long as we have a small vision, as long as our vision for next week is centered on ourselves. Change in life only happens as we allow God to change our thinking and our vision. So, let’s look at the question, “How can you expand your vision to the world?”

To hear more about this topic, listen to my October 29, 2006 message entitled Expand Your Vision To The World

0 thoughts on “Expand Your Vision To The World”

  1. Rodney Menezes

    Your thoughts are very inspiring, your absolutely right that if we allow Christ in our Lives than vision has a goal for greater glory of Christ Our Saviour.

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