Experience Supernatural Provision

The United States is the most technically advanced country in the world, filled with educated and rational people Yet our entertainment, whether books or movies is filled with the supernatural. Haunted houses, ghosts, communicating with the dead, witches, reincarnation, angels and the list could go on and on. Belief in paranormal or supernatural experiences has increased significantly in the last 15 years. Kids continue to devour Harry Potter novels. Adults continue to read and watch supernatural thrillers. 84% of Americans believe in miracles.

Why the interest in the supernatural? God has placed something within every person that senses there is something more to life than what we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands. Not only do we sense that there is something more, we want to experience that something more. We want to fill our desire for mystery and excitement. We need help with problems and situations that are beyond our power to deal with. The desire to experience the supernatural was put in our hearts by a supernatural being, God our creator.

What is the supernatural? The supernatural is a power that seems to violate or go beyond natural forces. The Bible teaches that there are two types of supernatural power. The first type is from the dark side. It’s power comes from Satan and the forces under his control. It’s interesting that most of the supernatural in entertainment comes from the dark side, things like witchcraft, astrology, ghosts, demon possession, tarot cards, Ouija boards and fortune telling. None of that is new. NLT Deuteronomy 18:10-11 Do not let your people practice fortune-telling or sorcery, or allow them to interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. The Bible forbids participation in the supernatural of the dark side. Why? Because it connects you to Satan and his forces and the end result is always destructive in your life. It draws you away from God.

The good news is that there is a second type of supernatural power the power that comes from God. God’s supernatural power is good. God’s supernatural power helps people, it brings out the best in them and it draws them closer to God. The Bible is filled with accounts of the supernatural power of God, not just to describe ancient history but to show us how God operates and how we can experience His supernatural power in our lives.

To hear more about this topic, listen to my April 3, 2005 message entitled Experience Supernatural Provision

5 thoughts on “Experience Supernatural Provision”

  1. Pastor Dan,
    Since the Bible is rife with stories of miracles and intercession by God, but we, in modern times, never seem to have the good luck to experience or even see a miracle, could it be that the miracles in the Bible are really mythological symbols meant to represent what God is like and not to be taken literally? I mean, when’s the last time anyone has seen a person raised from the dead–a prediction attributed to Jesus?

  2. A miracle is by definition rare, since it is an intervention by God in the natural course of events. The Bible describes the way God works over the course of thousands of years, covering the highlights. The miracles in the Bible are described and interpreted as being real. In fact, the Bible without miracles is worthless, because if God doesn’t intervene in human history, what’s the point?

    Not sure your background, but the Christian literature is rife with reports of miracles of all kinds, including people being raised from the dead. In Jesus’ time, many people were not impressed with His miracles. A miracle can always be explained away in one way or another. Today, believers seek medical help and pray for healing at the same time. When they get better, was it medicine or God? Listen to my messages of April 10 & 17, 2005 for first hand accounts of healings of people in our church. One without medical intervention and the other which the doctors describe as a miracle.

  3. A part of our Lord’s ministry involved healing many of the infirm he encountered while spreading “the good news.” Many of the infirm actually suffered from symptoms which were demonically induced. The ancients could better discern the spiritual realm than we can, in this day and age. For example, they seemed to know the difference between demonic manifestations and actual infirmities.

    In this day and age of high technology and science, we continually endeavor to prove the universe through scientific means so that the answers fit well with our (limited) understanding of planet. The fact is there is a huge realm usually invisible to our eyes, populated by angels, demons, principalities and who knows how many other types of creatures. I personally believe that the re-emergengin interest in the supernatural and specifically, the paranormal, is often orchestrated by the enemy. But for those who do not know, God continues to prevail and is utlimately above and over all spirits.

  4. While recognizing the validity of chemical inbalance and other causes of mental illness it seems that the influence of the demonic is largely overlooked or ignored.

  5. Please send scriptures regarding Supernatural Healing, Supernatural Knowledge (I believe God will give us Supernatural Knowledge when
    we are Raptured to Heaven so we will have complete full knowledge of
    His Word) Does God send our Angel to us by His Supernatuural Power?
    You can send your response by email above or fax 509 894 4976.
    Thank you for your response.

    Nancy Mears
    po bx 33
    Mabton, Wa. 98935

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