
Friendship With God

For many people, God is hard to understand, hard to comprehend. We can’t see Him, we can’t touch Him, we can’t hear Him with our physical ears. Some people think of God as a force, but God is not a force, God is a person. God is a person who has all power, all knowledge and is everywhere present. How can a mere finite mortal human being like you or I interact with such a person? God is the one who created us and He rules the universe. Most of us would be in awe if we came into the presence of the President of the United States. How much more if we came into the presence of the Lord of the cosmos? Yet, this person, the Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, wants to be your friend.

Today we’re going to talk about “Friendship With God.” You can be a friend with someone who is not your equal. That’s why I chose our theme picture today, a father walking down a path with his son, walking together through life as friends. You and I are like that little boy and God our Father wants to be our friend. He wants us to walk through life with Him, hand in hand. NLT Romans 5:11 So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God– all because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us in making us friends of God. When you become a believer, when you surrender your life to God, you become a friend of God. God wants your friendship with Him to grow deeper and stronger over time.

Friendships don’t grow deeper, relationships don’t grow stronger automatically, it takes effort. Most of all, it takes communication. Learning to understand another person in a relationship strengthens the relationship and deepens the friendship. Jesus said in NLT John 15:15 I no longer call you servants, because a master doesn’t confide in his servants. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. You see the difference between a servant and a friend is that friends confide in one another. God wants you to confide in Him and He wants to confide in you.

Today we’re going to talk about how to build your friendship with God, it’s what worship is all about. God is absolutely amazing, He is able to communicate with and be friends with millions of people at once and He wants you to be one of His best friends. God cares about you. He wants to be your best friend. He’s waiting for you, so let’s see how you can build your friendship with God

To hear more about this topic, listen to my March 12, 2006 message entitled Friendship With God

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