
How Can I Discover Direction?

One day a Mom decided to take her three children to an ice skating rink in a unfamiliar part of town. After several wrong turns and stops to ask directions, she finally pulled over to the side of the road and suggested that all of them ask God to help them find the rink. With God’s help, they finally found the rink about an hour late. The next week they got in the car to go skating again and just before they took off, the 5 year old said, “Mom, let’s pray first and save time this week.” Not bad advice. Praying first would save us all a lot of time, a lot of headaches and a lot of problems in life.

God wants to give us direction in life, but often we wander around without His help. In fact, most people are wandering around in life truly lost, lost from a relationship with their creator. Everyone is searching for direction in their lives, but few are finding it. Many people do not realize that what they are looking for is God. Why do people fall in addictive habits like smoking, drinking, gambling, overeating, overspending, etc.? They are trying to fill a void within themselves that can only be met by God.

Every person is on a journey to find God, that’s why God put us on this earth. Paul said that NIV Acts 17:27 [God made men] so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. The ultimate question is “what is the meaning of life?” This verse gives the answer. The meaning of life is to give people an opportunity to seek God and find Him.

Once you make contact with God, once you begin a relationship with Him, the seeking does not end. The journey to know God better continues for a lifetime. We must continue to travel closer to God so that one day we will be in his presence forever, face to face.

To hear more about this topic, listen to my August 28, 2005 message entitled How Can I Discover Direction?

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