How to Eliminate Worry | Luke 12

Worry and stress are at all-time high levels in America at this time. The compounded stress of two years of COVID interrupting our lives has taken a toll. Then we have the added stress of the Ukraine war with Russia, inflation, border security, rising crime and political divisions. This stress has resulted in a dramatic increase in alcohol consumption, drug addiction, undesired weight changes and increased anxiety disorders. The temptation to worry and get stressed about the complexities of life affects everyone.

Let’s think a little more about what worry is. The dictionary defines worry as “allowing one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.” That doesn’t seem like much fun, does it? So, why do we do it? Worry looks at the troubles and difficulties in the present and projects them into the future. In effect, worry is like negative faith. Worry believes that things are going to get worse, rather than better.

What are the results or consequences of worrying? Worry brings on discouragement, depression, isolation, hopelessness, and so on. Is worry something that is inevitable and unavoidable, or do we have a choice? Perhaps an even better question is “Does God want you to worry or be anxious?”

Philippians 4:6a (ESV) Do not be anxious about anything,

There we have the answer as to what God’s will regarding worry is. He commands us not to be anxious. Some people think its ok to anxious about some things but not others. Yet this Scripture commands us to not worry about anything. To not obey the Bible’s instruction on worry is to sin.

What is wrong with worrying? What is the root cause of worry? People worry when they don’t believe that God is able or willing to help them. At its root, worry comes from not believing in God’s power or goodness. The root of worry is unbelief and wrong priorities, which we’ll look at in a few minutes.

What is the result of worry? When your mind is focused on present and future troubles, what is going to happen? The Bible teaches us that we reap what we sow. When we sow worrisome thoughts about troubles and difficulties in the future, we are going to reap more of the same in our lives.

Today, I’ve entitled our message “How to Eliminate Worry with Right Priorities.” Jesus is going to teach us today that wrong priorities lead to worry and anxiety. And how right priorities can eliminate worry and replace it with faith for the future.

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