
Life In Light Of Eternity

Currently we’re in a message series entitled “Why Am I Here?” In this series, we’ve talked about how God created you with a purpose in mind. God’s purpose for your life transcends the 70, 80 or 90 years that you will live on this earth. God’s purpose for your life is for you to affect eternity by impacting the lives of other people here and now. Your life has far greater significance then you have probably ever realized. What you do in this life will affect your eternity and it will affect the eternity of many other people forever. Your life will produce ripples in the pond of eternity that will go on forever.

If how we live our lives is that important, then we’d better give some thought to eternity, we’d better give some thought to the unseen spiritual world. I’ve entitled my message this morning “Life in Light of Eternity.” What you see around you with your eyes is very real, but it’s not all there is. All around you is also an unseen spiritual world which is just as real. What seems to us is the most tangible, the most permanent, is our physical surroundings which we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands. The Bible tells us that what we see is temporary, but what we cannot see is eternal. NIV 2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

So we need to fix our eyes, not our physical eyes but the eyes of our hearts, on the unseen, on the things of God which are eternal. When you begin to live life in light of eternity, when you begin to understand the importance of the unseen, your life and values will begin to dramatically change. All the hustle and bustle of modern life must be measured on terms of what it will accomplish for eternity. Even the problems and difficulties that we face in this life will not go on forever. For the believer, they are temporary, they will be gone in eternity.

Death is not the end, but simply the doorway into that unseen realm. For the believer, death is simply the gateway into the presence of God and the wonder of heaven. NIV Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. A believer, someone who has faith in Jesus Christ, is someone who is sure of eternity and certain of the unseen world. A believer lives life completely differently than those who do not believe because the believer lives by faith in an unseen God. A believer lives in light in eternity and fulfills God’s purpose for their lives. So how can you and I live in light of eternity?

To hear more about this topic, listen to my February 5, 2006 message entitled Life In Light Of Eternity

4 thoughts on “Life In Light Of Eternity”

  1. HI pastor: saw your site today, am new to the blog business. I also think about Eternity frequently. Suggest you read a book entitled “The Last Things -Death Judgement Heaven Hell” by Regis Martin of Ignatius Press. It will really change your way of thinking.

  2. Dan: My church was founded by Jesus while on earth 2000 years ago when he gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter, the first Pope. When was your church founded? and by whom? not Jesus,thats for sure.
    Investigate the True church founded the savior and you will then have the fullness of the faith, not just part of it.

    from a St. Louis Catholic

  3. In reply to the last two comments, the beliefs of Full Life Community Church are based solely on what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that the church is made up of all true believers in Jesus Christ, regardless of what “denomination” they are part of.

    The view of “St Louis Catholic” is not the view of the Catholic Church towards non-Catholic believers. Please read the Catholic Cathechism (818, 819), for a view closer to the biblical truth.

  4. I have just started a series with my Sunday School Class (ladies) “With Our eyes on eternity” I stumbled onto your blog. I love when God just puts things together. Thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts down for others.

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