
Living With Resurrection Power

Happy Easter! What a great day to worship God together. Welcome to all of our guests. We’re glad that choose to join us on Easter. There’s just something special about Easter. The people that keep track of such things tell us that Easter has the highest church attendance of the year. What is it about Easter? What draws people to church on Easter? It’s not the Easter bunny, Easter eggs or springtime, it’s something else. I think what draws people to church on Easter is related to the true meaning of Easter.

Here’s what Easter is all about. Jesus crucified on the cross, laid to rest in a stone cold tomb rises from the dead on the 3rd day and 40 days later ascends into heaven. Jesus overcomes the greatest enemy, the biggest obstacle anyone could face, death itself. Somehow, people sense that if Jesus could rise from the dead, there’s hope for their lives and their situations. I believe that people come to church on Easter to find hope for their lives. NIV 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! Jesus overcame death and lives today. Those who believe in Him can put their past behind them and walk in a new way. Isn’t that what hope is all about? Looking for a fresh start for your life, moving beyond your past, going from the old to the new that God has for you. That’s what Easter is all about.

A Sunday School teacher was attempting to teach her young students the true meaning of Easter. “Why do we celebrate Easter?” she asked. When the children replied ’because of the Easter bunny,’ Easter eggs, candy, spring, etc., she said, “No, those are Easter traditions and symbols, but what is the REASON why we celebrate Easter? What happened at the very first Easter?” A little girl raised her hand and said, “Easter celebrates Jesus coming out of the tomb.” “Yes!” said the teacher, excited and relieved that finally the correct answer had surfaced. Encouraged, she prompted, “Jesus arose from the tomb, and what does He do for us?” The youngster replied, “He looks to see if he can see his shadow, and if He can, he goes back in for another six weeks.” Not quite right, she shouldn’t have asked the second question. But it is an important question, Jesus rose from the tomb, but what does that have to do with us? Sure, Easter is a great day to come to church, but what about tomorrow, the day after Easter and the rest of the year?

Today, I want to talk about “Living With Resurrection Power.” I’m going to answer the question, How can Easter give me power in my life next week? When all the trappings of Easter and the good feelings of the day are gone, how can you tap into some of that power that rose Jesus from the tomb for your own life?

To hear more about this topic, listen to my April 8, 2007 message entitled Living With Resurrection Power

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