
Releasing God’s Power Of Protection

As adults we often laugh at our children’s fears. That noise at night that scares them is simply the creaking of the boards in the house. The monster on the wall is simply a shadow from the clothes hanging on a chair. Yet there are things that we are afraid of as adults, things that are not so simple to explain away.

Fear comes when we perceive danger, real or imagined. Worry is simply a form of fear, fear of some danger harming us in the future. Now, the vast majority of the things that we fear, that we worry about, will never come to pass, they are simply mirages. However, there are real dangers in the world, there are things, there are people, there are situations that can cause real harm to us. Should we just dismiss them? If we try to ignore them will that make the danger go away? No, the Bible never tells us to ignore reality, but it does tell us to not be afraid. NLT Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation– so why should I be afraid? The LORD protects me from danger– so why should I tremble?

The reason that a believer does not need to fear, the reason that a believer does not need to worry, is not because there is no danger in the world. The reason we should not fear is that the Lord is our protection. However, God’s protection of the believer is not automatic. We need God’s protection, you don’t know when or where you or your family will face danger. My wife’s parents were on a trip in England when the terrorists bombs went off last week, but they were not injured. They were protected. NLT Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the godly run to Him and are safe.

Do you want to be protected from harm? Do you want to be secure in a strong fortress? Do you want to be safe and unafraid in this world of danger? Protection is found in God alone. You can be surrounded by body guards and not be safe. The only truly safe people in the world are those who are godly, those who are following God’s purpose for their lives. Nothing can deter them from fulfilling God’s mission for their lives as they release God’s power of protection.

To hear more about this topic, listen to my July 17, 2005 message entitled Releasing God’s Power Of Protection

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