Your Unique Plan (Romans 12)

If you want to achieve something of significance with your life, you need to be moving in the right direction. God wants to show you the right direction to take in life so that your life has an impact for eternity. That’s what we’re talking about in our message series called “Need Direction?” Although every believer must follow the general principles of God’s Word, God has a special direction of every person.

Today, my message is entitled “Your Unique Plan.” Your unique plan is not a plan that you dream up. Your unique plan is something that was created by God before you were born. The unique plan that God has for your life is God’s will for your life. Your unique plan from God is not something that you could never achieve. Your unique plan is in keeping with the way God created you, with your unique abilities and talents. God’s unique plan for your life fits with the time period in history that you live in, the place where you live and the people who surround you. Some people fear God’s will. However, God’s will for your life, your unique plan is the very best way you could possibly live your life.

Psalm 19:7-8 (NIV)  The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.  The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.

These verses speak of God’s Word and describe how wonderful it is. It is perfect, trustworthy, makes one wise, gives joy and light. God’s plan for your life is God’s unique word for just you. It will be in keeping with God’s written word and will guide your steps.

Psalm 32:8 (NLT)  The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

Your unique plan from God is the best pathway for your life. God promises to guide you along it and watch over you as you walk in it. Following God’s unique plan for your life is an exciting adventure. It is not boring, it is not routine. If your life is routine and boring, something is wrong. You are not on track with God’s will. God wants you to break out of that boring routine and go on with the excitement of following Him.

Following Jesus is risky business. When you’re living the adventure of faith, you need God to come through with His miracles or all will be lost. Yet, we need to follow the Lord with wisdom, not running in front of Him and lagging behind. We must follow His unique plan for our lives, created just for the way that He has made us. God doesn’t want you or me to be somebody else. He wants us to be the incredible people He’s created us to be. Today, we’re going to look at a passage from Romans 12 to learn more about discovering and following God’s unique plan for our lives.

Need Direction? Message Series

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