Why Am I Here?

Why are you and I here on this planet? Different people have different answers to that question. Some would say that we’re here because some type of living organism evolved from the primordial ooze billions of years ago. In essence, they would say, that we are here by random chance. If we’re here by random chance, than there’s really little purpose in our lives. We might as well just do as we please and enjoy ourselves as much as possible.

The Bible has a different answer to the question of why we are here. The Bible tells us that every person is here on this earth because they were created by God. When God created you, He created you with a purpose in mind. Oftentimes, the Bible refers to God as a potter who creates a clay pot, which refers to us. God shaped and molded you to be a vessel that would honor Him by serving Him.

2 Timothy 2:21 (NASB95) Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.

God wants you to be useful to Him. God wants you to be prepared to do good work for Him. The Bible calls the work that we do for God in the church family, ministry or service. Jesus taught us in

Matthew 10:8b (NIV) Freely you have received, freely give.

Integrity is giving what you have received from God back to Him in service.

Listen to my August 9, 2009 message “Service and Integrity” based on Nehemiah 12 (message notes).

1 thought on “Why Am I Here?”

  1. felix kwame amanyi

    am bless with all these massages.please can u give me daily massages and bible verses so that i can know GOD more and know my assignment and to this cover my gift and talent.
    thank you.

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