A Father’s Importance For A Child’s Spirituality

A lot of men don’t seem to sense the importance of going to church with their children. They reason that if their Mom takes the kids, everything will be fine, the children will grow up with great moral values. That’s not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that the father, not the mother is to be the spiritual leader of the home. NIV Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Children are exasperated when they can’t figure out why Dad doesn’t come with them to church.

In 1952, the average Protestant worship service was 47% male. Currently, that figure is 39% and falling. A recent study showed the importance of the father taking the children to church. When Mom and Dad attend church regularly, 33% of the children grow up to attend regularly. When Dad attends regularly, but Mom never attends, 44% of the children grow up to attend regularly. However, when Mom attends regularly, but Dad never attends or attends infrequently, only 3% of the children go on to be regular church goers. Children take their cues from Dad.

If you’re a Mom who is taking your children to church, don’t get discouraged or give up. We have observed over and over again, that if Mom keeps coming to church faithfully with the children, Dad eventually starts coming. Even if he doesn’t, you are doing what you can do to raise your children for God.

Dads, it’s time to be a spiritual leader in your home. If you don’t, your children will suffer for it. Make a commitment to God this Father’s Day and ask Him to help you keep it.

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