Jesus Our Savior

Today just two days before Christmas 2012, we continue in our Who Is Jesus? message series with the message Jesus Our Savior. The reason for Christmas if Jesus. At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago. Some people just enjoy the festive holiday. Others enjoy the giving of gifts. Nothing wrong with those things. But this morning, we want to focus on the one whom Christmas is all about, Jesus.

The birth of Jesus changed our world forever. Today, we’re going to look at why the birth of Jesus was such a revolutionary event. For the birth of Jesus was the precursor to a life filled with meaning like no other, a cruel death on the cross and a miraculous resurrection three days later. These events have incredible significance for us today and make a difference for every person on the face of this planet. Yet, too often, we simply gloss over Christmas as a busy, commercial holiday. So today, we’re going to look at 3 questions about Christmas, so we can appreciate it’s true significance.

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